The Follow-Up Ministry 3.0 is intentional about reaching seekers, new converts and potential members to connect them to the life of Huber Memorial Church. We work closely with the Salvation Counselors, Operation Burning Light, Pre-Membership and Greeters Ministries, to ensure that each person is properly facilitated in their new found relationship in Christ and/or in their progression toward membership, leading to ministry.

Special highlights and functions of this ministry:

We follow up with:

  • Our Sunday worship Special Guests.

  • Non-members who desire the Plan of Salvation, church membership and/or rededication through the Salvation Counselors ministry.

  • Non-members who are witnessed to by members of the Operation Burning Light evangelism team.


  • Each person receives at least (2) two contacts: written correspondence and/or phone calls.

  • We provide information packets on Huber's body life and ministries.

  • A follow-up database is maintained and reviewed.

Who can participate?

Must be a member of Huber Memorial Church and actively in Bible study.

When do we meet?

General Ministry meeting is quarterly as announced.

For More Info Contact:

Al Moulton